lunes, 9 de abril de 2012

7 de març: l'espera de l'aurora

Enmig del silenci, enmig del bosc, envoltada de neu, envoltada de pau. Aquí estic jo, a l'espera de poder veure l'aurora boreal. La lluna il·lumina la meva cara, el sol nocturn provoca ombra als arbres. No se sent res, s'escolta el silenci. Els arbres canten tímidament, contestant al vent que rossa les seves branques. Un gos borda en la distancia, la pau regna. El cel esta net, les estrelles brillen sota l'ombra del la protagonista llum de la lluna. Tot esta t
enyit de blau. El gel reflexa la immensitat del fred d'aquest cicle d'hivern en aquestes terres llunyanes, aquestes terres nòrdiques. Enmig del silenci, envoltada de natura, tot allò primari surt a la llum. Enmig del silenci, esperant les aurores.

Midst of silence, among the forest, surrounded by snow, surrounded by peace. Here I am, waiting to be able to see the aurora borealis, expecting to see the northern lights.
The moon illuminates my face, the nocturnal sun causes night shade trees. Do not feel nothing,hear the silence. The trees sing
shy, answering the wind blonde its branches. A dog barks in the distance, peace reigns. The sky is clean, the stars
glow in the shadow of the star moonlight. Everything is dyed blue. The ice reflects the immensity of this cold cycle
Winter in these distant lands, these northern lands.
Amid the silence, surrounded by nature, everything comes to light primary. Amid the silence, waiting for the aurora.

martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

The city is my church

I was wanting to write in cronological order, but today im gonna betray myself because: yesterday i felt at home, because yesterday i was with the best company. Because i found my hero, because "the city is my church", because "you make me feel myself". "Will you stay in this land forever?" Its all about Tavastia, its all about M83!
Great gig, great fun, great lights, amazing night yesterday!

Just some pics on the concert. I have some videos aswell, im gonna upload them another day!

Thanks for more than everything! Every day with you its unforgettable.

Take a fast look at this page:
If you are around Helsinki, you really want to see them live!

viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

Happy 2012

31 desembre: 14:30 he perdut tots els altres trens anteriors, havia d'escollir un bon vi per a la festa. Quin? D'on? Blanc, tint, de Xile, del Penedès o Austràlia. Jove o criança. Ni idea. Ens entretenim amb una hamburguesa i unes patates fregides per 6 euros. Desprès de 2 horetes, per fi ho tenim tot. Cartera, claus, vi, movil, guants, tot OK. Let's go.
Allí esta la estació. Es respira un aire "retro". Són les 14:40 i a les 14:58 surt un tren cap a Helsinki. Ah mira, ja arriba! No podia parar una mica més a lluny ¿? Vale, gràcies.

-Excuse me its that train going to Helsinki? (li pregunto a un fin "gafitaS")
-That one?
-That one over there?
-Yes, that one.

Però són les 14:40, surt a les 14:58, bueno, tu puja, no sigui cas...
Canvien el cartellet a fora. Exacte, un cartellet super analògic, li han pegat la volta. Abans: Helsinki-Kirkkonummi (ara òbviament direcció contrària). Faig una foto hiper ràpida, no tinc més temps per a poder "immortalitzar"aquest moment, aquesta pèrdua de la virginitat cap a la festa Helsinkiana. Simplement pujo al tren. 2 euros en 70 cènt
ims m'ha costat, òbviament ningú sap que no sóc estudiant (però podria ser-ho). He pagat, que això no és renfe, i encara no ho tinc per mà.

Molt bé, arranquem. Em trasllado al seient d'en front, pensava que aniríem cap a una direcció i òbviament era una opinió totalment errònia, i com una bona "iaia" no vull anar d'esquenes. Justament el noi que hi ha al meu costat és el que abans he estat "acribillant" amb el "that one? That one over there?", esta amb els seus amics. És bastant obvi que també van de festa. AVUI ÉS CAP D'ANY!
Que m'esperara aquest 2012? 5 minuts de trajecte, primera parada. Aquests trens de "rodalies" em tenen enamorada, són comunistes total.
Tot i que estan en contra de la URSS, bla bla bla, tenen influències. Són elèctrics, però no ho sembla.Ningú es treu l'abric. Jo si. Ni el barret. Me'l trec tambè. Perquè no s'ho treuen mai? No em vull fer massa repetitiva, però estic enamorada de la llum d'aquesta zona.
Les vies són blanques, banyades per la neu. Estava intentant descriure els trens. Massa coses al cap, massa emocions i poca organització.
Els trens, meitat soviètics meitat futuristes.És tanta l'alegria,nerviosisme, èxtasis,alteració alhora, que no em puc concentrar en claredat. No em vull perdre cap detall. Es el primer dia, i
l'ultim de l'any que agafaré aquest tren per anar a la Capital Finesa. Avui es 31 de desembre. Avui s'acaba un cicle, en poques hores començara un any nou. Crec que el "gafitas" de: "yes, yes, that train over there" i els seus col·legues s'estan partint de mi. Ni m'importa, ni m'entero de res. Estic massa extasiada com per a no intentar transmetre-ho. Intentar plasmar-ho tot és impossible. Però només tinc una possibilitat per a fer-ho. Mai més podré tornar
a viure tot això. Segona parada. Aquest grupet em miren i callen alhora. Que discrets. Però semblen majos. Definitivament m'he de comprar una llibreteta
escriure entre les linees d'un diari no és natural. Però és el primer que he trobat, i per intentar plasmar-ho tot. No es pot perdre cap mil·lèsima de segon.
30 minuts de trajecte m'espera. Abans no he tingut temps de fumar. Quan arribi penso inspirar tantissim, que espero poder respirar la profunditat de l'ambient
nòrdic. Luoma Bobäck. Aquí estem.

Miro per la finestra, el sol pràcticament ha marxat. Espero que quan arribi, encara s'insinuï una miqueta! Es veuen el restos
i les conseqüències que la tormenta va deixar. Moltíssims arbres al terra, i tot esta molt "desordenat". Ara mateix estem anant en paral·lel a la carretera 51.
Que aviat me la sabre de memòria. Per anar a Helsinki des-de casa amb cotxe. Però és patètica la situació, estar per aquí 2 setmanes, i de Helsinki només conèixer:
l'oficina de Tiina (la jefa), la seva botiga, Forum (un centre comercial)i Stockman (un centre comercial però rollo El Corte Ingles). Kaulathy. Són les 15:08, suposo que ja no quedaran
gaires parades. Les estacions són de fusta. Una fusta blau cel amb bores blanques i la teulada marró. Contrasta harmònicament amb el vermell dels vagons.
Ja es comença a veure més angle de ciutat. Edificis alts, blocs de pisos...Se que el mar esta a la meva esquerra, però encara no l'he vist (i aquí el mar envolta tota
la ciutat, és difícil orientar-se quan no coneixes res).Espoo. No tinc ni idea, però crec que per aquí hi ha alguna parada de metro. Llastimosament, hauré de deixar d'escriure. Ha entrat moltíssima gent i no tinc espai! Estic intentant recrear la foto mental del mapa del google maps, per poder arribar on he d'arribar.Imprimir? Per a que gastar tinta si tenim el cervell. I així és molt més


31 December: 14:30 I have missed all the other previous trains, i had to choose a good wine for the party. Which? From Where? White, red, from Chile, Penedès or Australia. Young or wooden one. Neither idea. We have an hamburger and some chips for 6 euros. After 2 hours, at last have everything. Purse, keys, wine, phone, gloves, everything OK. Let's go.
Over there is the station. It breathes a "retro" air. It's 14:40 and at 14:58 there is a train to Helsinki. Ah It looks, already arrives! It could not stop a bit more to far ¿? Ok, thank you. xD

-Excuse Me its that train going to Helsinki? (I ask to a fin with glasses)
-That one?
-That one over there?
-Yes, that one.

But nw it's 14:40, the train leaves at 14:58, but well, just in case... I get in the train.
A woman changes the sign out. Exactly, a super analogic placard , she turned around. Before: Helsinki-Kirkkonummi (now obviously in the opposite direction). I make a photo reallyr fast, I haven't got more time to immortalize this moment, this "loosing my virginity to the Helsinky party". I just I go up the train. 2 euros in 70 has cost me, obviously anybody knows that I am not student (but i could be).

Very good, we start to move. I move to the seat of in front, I thought that we would go to a direction and obviously was a totally erroneous opinion, and like a good grandma I don't want to go back. And the boy next to my side is the one that before have been asking with the "that one? That one over there?", he's with his friends. It is quite obvious that also they go to party. TODAY IT IS NEW YEAR'S EVE!
What it's gonna happen this 2012? 5 minutes of journey , first stop. Im in love with these trains, they are absolutely communist .
Although they are against the USSR, you can notice the influences they have. They are electrical, but does not seem it. Anybody takes out the coat. I do. Neither the hat. I take it out also. Why don't they never take it out? I do not want to became really repetitive, but am in love with the light of this zone.
The roads are white, covered by the snow. It was trying to describe the trains. Too many things in my head, too many emotions and little organisation.
The trains, kind of Soviet, kind of futuristic .It is so much the joy, nervousness , intensity ,alteration at the same time, that I can not me concentrate well. I do not want lose any detail. The first day, and
the last day of the year that will take this train to go to the Finnish Capital . Today 31 of December. Today it finishes a cycle, in few hours began a new year. I think that the glasses guy of: "yes, yes, that train over there" and his colleagues are splitting of me. Neither it matters me,i can't understand nothing. I am too cover in ecstasy that i cannot avoid to try transmit it. Transmited all its impossible. But I have only one possibility to do it. Never again I will be able to live all this. Second stop. This guys look at me and shut up at the same time. That's discretion. But they seem cool and nice. Definitively I have to buy a notebook, writing between the lines of a newspaper is not natural. But it is the first that have found, and to try transmit everything. It can not lose any thousandth of second.
30 minutes of jouney and ill be in Helsini. Before I didn't have time to smoke. When it arrive think Im going to inspire so much, that i will breathe the depth of the nòrdic atmosphere. Luoma Bobäck. Here we are.

I look trounght the window, the sun has practically left. I hope that when I arrive, still insinuate a little light! I see the remains and the consequences of the storm. Lots of trees down, andeverything it's untidy. Right now we are going in parallel to the 51 road.
Soon im gonna know everything. To go to Helsinki from home by car. But it is disappointing situation, being here for 2 weeks, and Helsinki knowing only :
Tiina's office (the boss), hes shop, Forum (a shopping centre) and Stockman. Kaulathy. It's 15:08, I suppose that soon im gonna be there. The stations are wooden. A sky blue wood with white edges and brown roof. It contrasts with the red of the carriages but deeply harmonically.
Already it begins to looke more like a city. High buildings, blocks of flats...I know the sea is in my left, but still haven't seen it (and here the sea surrounds all
the city, is difficult to orient when I don't know nothing).Espoo. Sorrowfully, it's gonna be impossible for me to keep writing. The train has became a really crowded wagon and i haven't have space! I am trying to recreate the mental photo of the map of google maps,to arrive where I have to arrive. Print? What its the reason to spend ink if have the brain. And like this it is much more fun!

lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

A 5 segons de terra. A 5 segons per a l'aventura.

Inicio aquest blog amb motiu de la publicació d'aquest anotació al meu perfil de facebook. Alguns amics meus, van insistir per a que em crees un blog especific nomes per a descriure l'aventura nòrdica. I aixi serà. Començo fent con copia-pega. Però benvinguts als diaris d'una deltarie per Finlandia.

I és graciós trobar-se Blogs que un crea, i que després passen a l'oblit com per exemple aquest
Creat i abandonat fins que vols tornar a obrir un altre, i llabors et surt.

Ja comencem a sobrevolar Finlàndia. Ja s'insinua aquest color del fred. Filtres blaus, colors freds. Anem descendint amb l'avió, s'omple el cor d'una tranquil·litat i pau tan sospitoses que ni els núvols semblen immutar-se. Tot i no entendre res del que estan deient, sense explicació ninguna, ja em sento part D'Aquí. Estranya sensació: tenir aquest bon pressentiment sense ni tan sols haver aterrat. Estem a 1000 metres per sobre de Helsinki. Malgrat no haver estat mai aquí, sento que tot anirà be. El sol ha marxat, ara s'insinuen les llums de la ciutat amagant-se entre els núvols. Els meus batecs s'acceleren, la meva sonrisa no es pot amagar. 20 minuts per aterrar.
No se que em trobaré! Unes gotetes d'aigua que hi havia a la finestreta s'han transformat en petits floquets de neu, tant petitons que m'he d'apropar per a veure'ls millor. Abaixen les llums. Helsinki es fa evident. LLacs, mes llacs. FINLÀNDIA, JA SOC AQUÍ! Puc arribar a sentir la felicitat que va sentir Terradelles, no te ni punt de comparació, però ansio posar-me els guants, bufanda i barre .En 20 minuts. En 20 minuts podré posar els peus a terra. Terra Nòrdica. Tinc tantes ganes de saber com em sentiré, quin serà l'aire que entrara als meus pulmons. Ja es veuen moltes cases amb el sostre congelat. Tinc unes ganes de trencar aquesta curiositat que estava dins meu.Descobrir el perquè d'aquesta atracció inexplicable. Memoritzo cada racó d'aquestes meravelloses vistes aerees. Cada imatge. 15 minuts per aterrar. Cada cop es veuen mes grans aquests rius de llum que formen les carreteres, amb les corrents que van formant els cotxes. ATERRANT! La meva sonrisa es irremeiable. No es pot evitar. No la vull evitar! Ens endinsem en un passadís de pins, es la pista d'aterrament. 5 segons i les rodes tocaran terra. 5 segons i jo tocaré el cel.

English Version

I start this blog because the publication of this note in my profile of facebook. Some people, insisted me to start writing a blog just for this Finnish adventure.

Already we start to overfly Finland. Already it insinuates this colour of the cold.
Blue filters, cold colours. We are descending with the aeroplane, I feel in my heart some kind of peace thats the clouds seem undeterred. In spite of not understanding nothing of what they are talking abou, without explanation, already I feel part Of Here.

Odd feeling: I have this good presentiment without not even have landed yet. We are 1000 metres above Helsinki. In spite that I have not been never here, I feel that everything will go perfectly. The sun is leaving, now insinuates the lights of the city hiding between the clouds. My heart beat speed faster , my smile can not hide. 20 minutes to land. I have no idea whats waiting for me Here! Some droplets of water that werein the little window have transformed in small snowflakes, so much small that I have to approach to see them better.

They shut the lights. Helsinki is evident now. Lakes, more lakes. FINLAND,
ALREADY im here! I can feel the happiness that felt Terradelles, with any comparison, but I desire to put the gloves, scarf and hat .In 20 minutes. In 20 minutes I will be able to put the feet into land. Nordic Land.

Im looking fowart to see how I feel in here, which will be the air that pass trougnt my lungs. Already we see many houses with frozen roof. My desire its to break this curiosity that was in me. Discover why i had this unexplicable attraction. I memorise each corner of these wonderful high views. Each image. 15 minutes to land.
Little by litle I can see these rivers of light that form the roads, with the currents that go forming the cars. LANDING! My smile its irremediable.

It can not avoid. I do not want to avoid it! We enter in a corridor of pines, the track of landing. 5 seconds and the wheels will touch land. 5
seconds and I will touch the heaven.